Changing Grantmaking to Better Support Our Communities

Vitalyst’s pathways to funding have never been better attuned to the community than in FY20, which became especially helpful as the COVID-19 emerged. Grantmaking efforts took major steps forward in FY20, both publicly and behind-the-scenes. In both cases, adaptation, a stronger systems backbone, and increased capacity for responsiveness were key results of the work.

Grantmaking Changed Substantially. Broad-based input and analysis from grantees, trustees and community members led to Vitalyst overhauling its major grants program for FY20. The feedback was clear: one size did not fit all – or adequately meet partner needs. So, Vitalyst established a new system of (1) three-year, more advanced Systems Change Grants and (2) one-year, early-stage Spark Grants. In both cases, Vitalyst was also able to create more condensed and responsive timelines.

The response was clear. More than 250 organizations participated in the first Systems Change process. The Spark Grant process was equally successful. In both cases, exciting partners were discovered in shorter timeframes.

Grants Management Improved and Strengthened. In FY20 Vitalyst adopted, implemented and fully customized its internal grants management systems. What had been mosaic of platforms and processes has now been consolidated onto one platform that provides transparency, expediency, insights and greatly increased capacity for community responsiveness. The platforms strengths have been further extended and integrated with the Technical Assistance Partnership of Arizona, Vitalyst’s fiscal sponsorship affiliate, as well as the Arizona Together for Impact Fund (of which Vitalyst is a co-sponsor and funder).




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