Why Primaries Matter and What to Do About It

The Impact of Primary Elections on Everyday Issues
In 2022, Arizona Town Hall received a Spark Grant from Vitalyst Health Foundation to explore collaborative efforts with diverse partners on the topic of Arizona’s primary elections and how they impact social determinants of health and positive systems change. The background information supporting the effort and the conclusions reached because of this effort have been widely requested and will likely continue to be of interest. For this reason, we have combined various resources relating to this effort into this combined report.
Setting the Stage
Sixty-five percent of Arizonans are not voting in the primary elections while primary elections essentially determine the make-up of Arizona’s legislature. As demonstrated below in more detail, increased participation in primary elections would allow for a more inclusive and equitable representation of voter voices and create a systemic change in how candidates run for and are elected to office.
Specifically, those running for and holding office will be incentivized to create more equitable and inclusive laws that will positively transform policies, systems, and environments resulting in a positive impact on all the Elements of a Healthy Community in a more comprehensive manner.
Why it Matters
Election experts have pointed to primary elections as the driver behind equitable systems change at both the state and local levels. According to Chuck Coughlin, CEO and President of HighGround, Inc., 80% of Arizona’s election candidates are elected in the primary elections.
Read the full report here.