Strategic Refresh Update – May 2022

Strategic Refresh Update – May 2022 featured image

In March, we shared that after much deliberation as a team and with feedback from our Board of Trustees and the community, we have refreshed our strategic roadmap. Our goals have been updated and are now: 1) Creating collaborative networks working to improve the conditions that impact health; 2) strengthening our partners so they are equipped to advance health equity; and 3) informing decision-makers to ensure community health and well-being are prioritized.

This has re-focused our work drastically and will continue to evolve over the next year. We are now more intentionally working as a team to advance our goals and the work of our partners. This may mean partners will interact with multiple Vitalyst staff depending on what goal is being advanced.

So just what does this look like?

Our work in collaborative networks, for example, is bringing together housing experts and school districts to find solutions to the housing crisis Arizona is facing. It also means we are convening partners to find solutions and strengthen food systems across urban and rural areas of the state. Supporting collaborative networks between healthcare, public health, and business to rebuild and redesign systems as we enter the aftermath of the pandemic.

Vitalyst will work to strengthen partners in varied ways. We know supporting our partners so they can do their day-to-day work is one path to equity. Through our Systems Change and Spark grants, our capacity building support, and technical assistance resources and tools, we will ensure our partners are equipped to advance their goals and make our communities healthier.

Ensuring the message that “health is more than healthcare” continues to be heard and prioritized by leaders and decision-makers. By sharing with decision makers, either through presentations, signing on in support of legislation, or sharing reports with elected officials and candidates that highlight the impact investments have to decrease costs, we can shape and influence decisions that impact underserved communities.

As we continue to further develop this plan, we will share more. We are grateful to all our partners who shared feedback with us as we worked to update our goals.

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