Reinvent PHX

reinvent-phx-vid-150Cities – how they’re built, and the ways we live in them – affect our health. A century ago, planners improved health by reducing industrial and sanitation hazards. Now the challenges are different, but many opportunities remain. Improving health today means focusing on how we connect people to healthy food, physical activity, healthy housing and each other.

SLHI partnered with the City of Phoenix, ASU and others to “Reinvent PHX.” Our work tapped into public input to establish community-driven strategies. Recommendations and preliminary plans call for improving walkability and bikability, access to healthy food, and sustainable, equitable housing options in five districts along the light rail line. Get a look into what Reinvent PHX means to residents, business people, and city planners in this short video.

Reinvent PHX recommendations are working their way through city government. The project is divided into five different segments along the light rail route, and officials are now reviewing these plans as well as a proposed “Walkable Urban Form Code” to support implementation.

Be a part of that process. Visit to view issue briefs and district health recommendations. Visit City of Phoenix: Reinvent PHX website for more on city recommendations. Attend a council or city subcommittee meeting. Make your thoughts known, because Phoenix deserves a sustainable, vibrant and healthy future.

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