Equity at Vitalyst

Equity at Vitalyst

Equity is a Commitment and a Journey

Vitalyst’s Strategic Roadmap process reaffirmed equity as a core value, key ingredient for change, and strategic commitment. As individuals and as an organization, there is a great deal to do to live up to this commitment. We also recognize the paradox of being a part of current systems and institutional settings that perpetuate inequities. Traditional philanthropy is one of the dominant cultural systems that needs to change, which means that we can commit to changing our foundation’s practices. Fundamentally, our way forward is to set ourselves on a path of meeting people where they are, listening deeply, and working to transform policies, systems, and environments to be more equitable.

Operationalizing and Embedding Our Commitment into the Work

Staff, Board Members, and Procurement/Vendors

Vitalyst has an equity/diversity/equal opportunity employment policy, and we have expanded recruitment outreach to diversity candidate lists when hiring. While our staff members consist of individuals of varying ages, educational backgrounds, and demographics, our diversity does not yet reflect local demographics. We see this as an opportunity for improvement.

Board Equity Activities and Training 

When selecting board members, we do our best to select individuals who reflect different backgrounds, lived experiences, and areas of expertise. Our board currently has racial/ethnic representation fairly close to Maricopa County, with about 45% people of color serving on the board. Establishing a culture of continuous learning, we provide board and staff members ongoing equity-related information and training.

Besides inviting Board Members to Arizona Grantmakers Forum equity trainings, in March 2022 a survey was launched to learn more about what kind of activities trustees wanted to see for their DEI learning journey. As a result, the DEI plan of activities for FY22-23 was created. The plan outlines reflections, readings, videos, and grantee panels through which trustees will be able to reflect, discuss and engage in conversations related to DEI topics.

Staff Equity Training

Vitalyst staff have monthly DEI staff trainings, planned and facilitated by staff members, with an overarching objective to use this time to:1) provide an opportunity for individual and organizational learning and growth in our DEI journey; 2) hold ourselves accountable to applying that knowledge in our organization’s practices and operations. These experiences explore various cultures, stories, and perspectives (e.g. Phoenix Art Museum, site visit at the AZ Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, etc.) in the context of Arizona’s past and current environment.

Additionally, we are using our weekly Monday morning reflection time to walk through different podcasts, videos, and readings with a new staff member guiding the discussion each week.

Vendors/ Procurement

Diversity: We try to tailor our catering efforts to family-owned small businesses and restaurants. Also work with local vendors for office supplies.

Equity: Conducted internal assessment on last 12 months’ vendors/procurement organizations to provide a baseline.


Vitalyst is working with its investment firm to ensure the Foundation’s portfolio is made up of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investments. ESG investing is a way of investing in companies based on their commitment to one or more ESG factors. It is often also called sustainable investing, socially responsible investing, and impact investing. Currently, 40% of Vitalyst’s portfolio meets ESG investing criteria.

Below you can read about how we are intentionally embedding equity throughout our programmatic work. This includes the use of disaggregated data and inclusion of community voice to focus on equitable processes and outcomes, with a specific focus on populations experiencing the most disparities.

How Equity is Embedded in Vitalyst’s Priorities

Civic Health

Capacity building efforts and investments represent the demography and geography of Arizona, and include an equitable focus on leaders, organizations, and coalitions serving/led by Arizonans experiencing the greatest disparities in health.

Community building efforts will focus on empowering traditionally marginalized communities and those with little or no access to capital.

We continue to collect DEI information through our grants management system to determine baseline of our partner organizations.

Healthcare Integration

Focused on supporting individuals and populations experiencing the highest level of unmet need. Work will be grounded by disaggregated data and insights from community partners.


Use of disaggregated data around housing outcomes, focusing specifically on communities who experience inequitable outcomes. In FY20-21, we used rent burden zip code data to target eviction prevention services.

Additional Opportunities

System, Spark, and Medical Assistance Grants

Health equity is a rating factor in grant selection, related to how they do the work. Outreach is done intentionally to be responsive to communities with the greatest health disparities. We are collecting DEI information via grant applications to create a baseline for DEI data in WizeHive. As a result of the COVID-19environment, Vitalyst created Equity Grants to be implemented in FY21. In Sept 2021, the Board approved an additional $300K for more Health Equity Grants. The funding has now been fully distributed and expended.

Health Insurance Outreach and Enrollment

Equity is embedded within this work by using disaggregated data to focus on the populations experiencing the lowest rates of health insurance coverage.

Tribal Wheel

Working with the Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona, Vitalyst helped to develop the Elements of a Healthy Tribal Community Wheel, which serve as a “bridge” when talking about SDOH elements specific to Native American communities. The Wheel has been presented in state and national conferences multiple times during FY22. Vitalyst plans to continue offering technical support in presentations and will conduct outreach efforts to further promote the Wheel.

Shifting the Narrative

Words hold incredible power, which is why we’re focused on lifting up the voices of those most connected to this work. We make sure our communications platforms (podcast, social media feeds, etc.) cover different parts of Arizona that represent different communities and incorporate equity. We are committed to continuing to bring the challenges of equity to the conversation, and to keep that conversation growing.


Podcast episodes 

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