Driven to Distraction

It used to be that perfect was the enemy of the good, but now it may be the case that focus is that foe. The Supreme Court’s Affordable Care Act ruling is imminent, which could make it possible to stop driving down the road of system change with one foot on the brake while the other presses the accelerator. Possible, but not likely, because it will be quite difficult if not impossible to disengage from the political battle and surrounding media coverage that will consume the airwaves and internet regardless of what the court has to say.

There is important work to be done that requires us to keep our eyes on the road to better health and health care, but we’ve routinely preferred congregating around the media circus and rearranging the Titanic’s deck chairs instead. We’re up for the fight to resist change, but not so keen on the challenge of pursuing focused pathways to a better future.

When the ruling hits, watch out. Get more as we go Under the Lense.

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