Reflecting, Reframing and Acting

Twenty-three years into its mission of connecting, support and informing efforts to improve the health of all Arizonans, Vitalyst continues learning how to be more effective through an intentional practice of reflecting, reframing, and acting.

As we deliver this Annual Report for our 2019 fiscal year (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019), Vitalyst finds itself in the process of refining organizational values, articulating key ingredients for change, and developing overarching goals for the next five years to come.  We have spent considerable time looking backwards, outwards and inward in order to inform our way forward. Like light moving through a prism, we have even bent and split the components of our work to reflect the rainbow of elements it takes to brighten the landscape of community health improvement.

This report is as much a reflection on our fiscal year as it is one of the ways to learn more about how we will proceed. Reading it will give you insight into progress made by an expanding network of health advocates and champions. During this fiscal year, statewide collaborators continued to recognize and explore how they can contribute their strengths and assets, while Vitalyst continued to leverage its unique position, strengths and capacities in making change happen. Here are quick links to the highlights, as Vitalyst:

As with any annual report, we include the audited financial accounting of where we’ve been in this fiscal year. We invite you to review the investments we’ve made as a funding partner in the service of our mission and goals.

The work of the 2019 fiscal year (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019) has no finite endpoint – only this report is framed by the parameters of a single year. We will continue our journey toward new horizons in community well-being and health. We will deepen our learning and broaden our networks. As we go, we will continue to reflect, refract and act based on the insights and knowledge we earn.

With the close of FY2019, we once again pause here to express our appreciation for all of the thought leaders, partners, the curious onlookers and especially the skeptics who have helped us not only with the work itself but with the work of better understanding how Vitalyst can continue to cultivate community influence, impact and leverage. We remain excited to continue collaborating towards a vision where all communities are healthy and resilient in Arizona.




Javier Cardenas                                     Suzanne Pfister
Board Chair                                            President & CEO

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