The Discovery Intake Process to explore new partnerships with Vitalyst for the 2024 – 2025 fiscal year is now open!
Learn more about Vitalyst grants and the Discovery Process on Tuesday, February 25 at 9:00 A.M. during our next Spark Partnership: A Vitalyst Intro. You can also read Understanding Systems Change to better understand what systems change means to VItalyst.
For entities looking for fiscal sponsorship, please visit the Technical Assistance Partnership of Arizona at Entities interested in learning more about fiscal sponsorship can join TAPAZ for a TAPAZ 101 virtual session hosted the first Friday of each month at 10:00 A.M.
Stay informed about Vitalyst updates by joining our newsletter. Subscribe here.
Vitalyst Health Foundation is on a mission to connect, support, and inform efforts to improve the health of individuals and communities in Arizona. We achieve this through partnerships across Arizona, including capacity building resources and grant support to organizations who share our mission.
Our streamlined “Discovery” process connects collaboratives, nonprofits, and organizational leaders to the best resources to ensure your success improves health outcomes where needs are highest.
Learn more about ways Vitalyst supports community-based leaders, organizations, and coalitions working to improve community health below.
Technical Assistance Grants
Vitalyst’s Technical Assistance Grants support organizations that want to form a coalition to achieve systems change. Through this grant, organizations are often paired with a consultant who will help them identify partners and create and formalize a coalition to better plan and implement systems change.
- The lead applicant must be a nonprofit or fiscally sponsored entity serving Arizona.
- Potential coalition partners are identified in the application.
- Identified the system hoped to be changed (e.g. a local criminal justice system or local food system).
- The system to be changed must be identified. Specific interventions or solutions toward systems change do not yet have to be identified.
Submission Deadlines – review through the Discovery intake process on an ongoing basis and as budget capacity allows.
Spark Grants
We understand systems change takes time. Spark Grants are planning grants to support coalitions to plan and identify solutions toward systemic change. By the end of the grant period, coalitions will have identified the necessary steps and calculated costs needed to achieve its systems change project.
Award Amount
• One-year award
• Up to $25,000 total
Grant Criteria
- Coalition
- Arizona-based coalition formed by 2+ organizations serving the state, the lead being an Arizona serving nonprofit or fiscally sponsored.
- Coalition is able to demonstrate readiness to plan the proposed systems change.
- Readiness is measured by favorable Wilder Assessment results completed by all core partners.
- Health Outcomes
- Identified community health issues focused on the intersections of the Elements of a Healthy Community.
- The coalition can describe how its desired change will have a positive impact on community wellbeing.
- Systems Change
- Clearly identified part of the system that is hoped to be changed (e.g. restorative justice practices in the criminal justice system; rural food production of the local food system, etc).
- Health Equity
- The planned effort focuses on improving a specific health disparity.
- The coalition’s plan engages and benefits those most affected by the issue.
- Budget
- Consistent with the proposed scope of work is a one-year $25,000 grant.
Submission Deadlines
Fall: October 11, 2024 – after an initial Discovery Intake, potential partners that meet criteria will be given submission instructions.
Spring: May 9, 2025
Systems Change Grants
The Systems Change Grants Application deadline has passed for the 2024 – 2025 year. Notifications for applicants moving onto the next phase will be sent in late December 2024.
Our Systems Change Grants support coalitions in implementing their desired systems change. By the end of the grant period, coalitions will have either fully implemented or made significant advancements toward their systems change project.
Read the brief Understanding Systems Change to better understand what systems change means to VItalyst. Watch Applying a Systems Change Lens: Practice and Strategies Webinar that was held on Friday, September 20.
Award Amount
- Three-year award
- Up to $175,000 total
Grant Criteria
- Coalition Criteria
- Arizona-based coalition formed by 2+ organizations serving the state, the lead being an Arizona serving nonprofit or fiscally sponsored.
- All necessary partners are committed to achieving the systems change. The coalition has a history of working together, and each partner can describe their role and responsibilities in achieving the systems change.
- Readiness is measured by favorable Wilder Assessment results completed by all core partners.
- Health Outcomes Criteria
- Identified community health issues focused on the intersections of the Elements of a Healthy Community.
- Coalition can clearly explain how the proposed change will positively impact community well-being.
- Systems Change Criteria
- Coalition can demonstrate planning already done to position the coalition’s success in accomplishing the proposed systems change within specified timeframes.
- Coalition can clearly describe the process of successfully achieving the systems change.
- Coalition can describe the readiness to embark on the systems change work.
- The systems change solution is project-oriented and endures after the grant period, not beginning or continuing programmatic efforts.
- Health Equity Criteria
- The coalition engages and benefits those most affected by the issue.
- Budget Criteria
- Three-year budget up to a total of $175,000.
- Budget and budget narrative is consistent with the proposed scope of work. See Budget Spreadsheet.
- The coalition has identified the total costs of the systems change and has a clear idea of other possible funding sources.
Grant Process
Applications due November 15, 2024
Presentations for selected applicants January 27 – January 31, 2025
To learn more about what Systems Change means to Vitalyst and see links to past information session recordings, slides and FAQs, click here.
Medical Assistance Grants
Vitalyst Health Foundation was created when the St. Luke’s Hospital System was sold in 1995. In keeping with the hospital’s long tradition of charity care, restricted funds for Medical Assistance Grants were transferred to Vitalyst with the sale of the hospital system.
Every three years, Vitalyst requests proposals from nonprofit or fiscally sponsored organizations that provide services, treatment, and programs in the areas of hearing, vision, substance use disorder, and heart and lung that leverage existing resources and maximize community benefit. Note: The Medical Assistance Grants Cycle is now closed and will reopen in 2026.
Medical Assistance Grants are designed to improve access to this type of healthcare and improve the quality of care through direct services for low-income and underserved populations in Maricopa County.
Funds must be used for services such as screening training, surgeries, program development related to direct services, and client-related equipment such as assistive devices and adaptive equipment.
Award Amount
- Hearing: up to $150,000 per year for three years (approximately $330,000 total available)
- Vision: up to $150,000 per year for three years (approximately $300,000 total available)
- Substance Use Disorder: up to $25,000 per year for three years (approximately $25,000 total available)
- Heart and Lung: up to $50,000 per year for three years (approximately $100,000 total available)
Grant Criteria
- Nonprofit or fiscally sponsored organizations
- Directly serving low-income or underserved individuals, measured by:
- enrollment in a government assistance program (SNAP, AHCCCS, CHIP, etc.) or
- annual household income less than 250% of federal poverty guidelines, in 2022 for Arizona set as $33,975 for an individual income or $69,375 for a family of four (See Income Guidelines); and
- Focused on supporting residents experiencing the greatest disparities in health including, but not limited to those with limited financial means, communities of color, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+, and rural communities.
- Services provided to individuals residing in Maricopa County
- Maintenance of a log recording direct services provided to individuals
- Submission of a mid-year and annual report documenting individuals served
Fiscal Sponsorship through Technical Assistance Partnership of Arizona
Technical Assistance Partnership of Arizona (TAPAZ) is a full-service fiscal sponsor focused on providing behind-the-scenes support to local nonprofits. Fiscal sponsorship allows TAPAZ to accept and disburse funds for projects and programs, allowing nonprofits to focus on carrying out their mission. Learn more about levels of fiscal sponsorship provided and visit the website for additional information.
TAPAZ is now offering a Fiscal Sponsorship 101 webinar for folks to attend and better understand its program, eligibility criteria, and application process. Register for the next webinar here.
Additional Resources
AZ Impact for Good
AZ Impact for Good is the statewide nonprofit membership organization, resource, and advocate for the state’s nonprofit and philanthropy communities. Members enjoy a comprehensive array of benefits and resources designed to empower nonprofits of all sizes and missions across Arizona. Visit the website to learn more about member benefits. To ensure membership is accessible to all nonprofits, regardless of size, location, or ability to pay, Vitalyst has partnered with AZ Impact for Good to provide scholarships for qualifying organizations while funds remain. To check eligibility and receive a scholarship, complete the Membership Scholarship Application.
Arizona Together for Impact Fund
The Arizona Together for Impact Fund is designed to catalyze collaborative initiatives, including combined programming, shared services, and mergers. At every level and sector, collaboration is a catalyst for innovation, an igniter for positive change, and a means to do more good work than we ever could. Arizona Together for Impact grants can facilitate, fund, and support strategic, sustained collaborations. Visit the website for additional information.
Business on Board
This program provides workshops to teach professionals and community members what they need to know before joining a nonprofit board. It also refreshes current board members and other organization leaders. Expert speakers teach attendees about nonprofit board services such as fundraising, legal, and fiduciary roles. Visit the flyer for additional information.
Finance & Loan Navigator
This free resource provides a deeper understanding of both organizational nonprofit finances and the loan preparedness process. This program has three modules that help break down information so individuals can digest and follow along at their own pace. Once the program is completed, your organization will receive a complimentary consultation. Visit the on-demand course for additional information.
How to Start a Nonprofit
This free resource guides newly formed organizations in thinking about the difference they seek to make and the structure best suited to move forward. This interactive guide leads people through key decision-making steps to determine whether a nonprofit is the best way to accomplish their goals. Suppose a newly formed organization decides to move forward with a nonprofit. In that case, this guide walks them through the compliance and best practices steps to become operational. Visit the website for additional information.
Local First Arizona Economic Recovery Center
AZERC aims to enable eligible Arizona cities, counties, tribal communities, and nonprofits to win and implement competitive federal, state, municipal, or foundation grants. If eligible, this center provides a variety of services free of charge, such as grant assistance, project management, budget guidance, economic impact analysis, facilitation, and strategic planning. If interested, free consultations are available to see if this organization is the right fit for you. Visit the website for additional information.
Nonprofit Lifecycles
Based on the award-winning book Nonprofit Lifecycles: Stage-based Wisdom for Nonprofit Capacity. This workshop helps organizations learn about their capacities using the four “table legs” and developing Capacity Improvement Plans. A week after the workshop, the organizations are responsible for sending in their current Lifecycle Placement and Capacity Improvement Plan to be eligible for 3-6 hours of consultation from a trained and experienced consultant to assist with capacity improvement goals. Visit the website and event calendar for additional information.
SDOH Funding Matrix
The Arizona Partnership for Healthy Communities Funding Matrix represents a quick look at several programs available throughout the State across service categories for individuals, families, and organizations to access. While this list is not entirely comprehensive, it does offer a single location for discovering many of the existing tools around Arizona groups have at their disposal as they seek to make stronger communities for themselves and their neighbors. Download the funding matrix as an Excel file
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What types of projects or activities are not eligible for funding?
A: We don’t fund the following:
- Programmatic or direct service;
- Capital expenditures and long-term capital assets;
- General fundraising sponsorships (not to be confused with the fiscal sponsorship program TAPAZ);
- Academic institutions indirect costs.
Q: How does Vitalyst define “systems change”?
A: A system can be defined as “a set of parts that work together to form a more complicated whole that accomplishes something;” systems change involves influencing how these parts interact to alter the system’s outcomes. As the Social Innovation Group in Canada puts it, systems change aims to “shift the conditions that are holding the problem in place.” In this way, systems change is the “how” we influence system components and the resulting shift in the system’s overall function and results. Learn more at the link below. Learn more here: Understanding Systems Change Spark Report
Q: Does Vitalyst offer any assistance in connecting potential coalition partners?
A: No. Applicants should have an idea of potential coalition partners p applying for a Vitalyst opportunity. Once potential coalition partners are at the table, a Technical Assistance Grant can be leveraged to build the capacity of that coalition. Another resource to consider Arizona Together for Impact Fund, which provides funding to organizations in the early stages of collaboration.
Q: Is grant funding split amongst each partner?
A: Vitalyst is flexible by leaving this decision up to the coalition. Typically, funds are issued to the lead applicant and disbursed by the lead applicant.
Q: Can an organization apply for multiple grant opportunities?
A: Yes. However, it must be for separate projects, and we highly encourage the organization(s) to articulate their capacity to complete the project(s).
Q: Is the Technical Assistance Grant the required starting point?
A: No, there are different entry points for Vitalyst partnership opportunities. The entry point is based on the stage your coalition is at. For example, if your coalition has already been formed and has a clear purpose, you may require planning support with Spark Grant. Alternatively, the Systems Change Grant may be a better fit if your coalition is certain of its systems change intervention. Vitalyst leaves the entry point up to each organization or coalition to consider, but we always provide feedback if we feel there’s a misalignment.
Q: What type of expenses does Technical Assistance Funding cover?
A: Traditional, it covers the consultant hours and associated deliverables. It does not cover the nonprofit staff member’s salary, so the organization must be mindful of their ability to participate in capacity building.
Q: Do you have specific consultants that you provide for Technical Assistant Grants?
A: An organization can select any organization and/or receive a curated list of TAP Team consultants. Consultants can join the TAP Team here.
Q: What types of capacity-building activities does the consultant lead for Technical Assistance Grants?
A: Example activities include identifying key stakeholders, facilitating meetings and convenings, developing a strategic plan for the coalition, drafting a roadmap for systems change, and designing media campaign(s).
The Vitalyst Discovery Process
The Discovery Intake Process to explore new partnerships with Vitalyst is now open.
The Vitalyst Health Foundation Discovery Process is the first step in becoming a Vitalyst partner and helps connect partners with appropriate support. The three-step, online process takes between 15-20 minutes to complete. Complete the Discovery Form below.

Elements of a Healthy Community
Vitalyst collaborates with partners statewide using the Elements of a Healthy Community Wheel. Read more about each Element here.
Currrent and Past Grantee Partners
Previous Grant Awardees
Previous Systems Change (2020-present), Innovation (2015-2019), Spark (2020-present) and Medical Assistance Grants have invested in a culture of creativity disrupting barriers to health. Read more about previously funded projects and the catalytic work they are doing in their communities.
Awarded Grants
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