Justice, Equity, and Health

Justice, Equity, and Health featured image

A statement from Vitalyst, originally published to Vitalyst’s social media accounts on June 4, 2020:

We stand together with the Black community, frustrated and angry that racism continues to tear our communities apart. 

Racial inequities and injustices never have and never will support community health and well-being.  Decreased life expectancy and poorer health outcomes by race are clear on this point. So is data on how racism has infected systems of governance, incarceration, housing, education, healthcare, economic opportunity, healthy foods, and transportation. 

Vitalyst commits to: 

  1. Acknowledging past failures on our equity journey and learning to do better, alongside our community partners. 
  2. Standing with, and in support of, community members and organizations calling for systemic change to address racial inequities.  
  3. Continuing our journey to more effectively work towards equitable outcomes – as individuals and as an organization. 
  4. Welcoming hard truths to better align our work with our core value of equity and our mission. 

Because systems change only happens when we all come together to make it so, we ask you to find your commitment too.  

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