Covering Arizona

covering-arizona-150They say seeing is believing. So see for yourself how the Affordable Care Act is impacting health insurance for Arizonans. Download SLHI’s infographic on the subject. It starts with the good news. 474,057 people now have coverage, almost seven times the population of Flagstaff.
The number of enrollments for this open enrollment period grew by 71 percent over last year. That’s stronger than the national average growth rate of 64 percent. It gives the Cover Arizona Coalition’s 800+ member organizations reason to be proud. Their dedication and hard work is paying off.

This year we also launched the Get Covered Connector, which is an online tool to allow people to directly schedule convenient appointments for enrollment assistance. More than 9,000 people scheduled appointments in cities all over the state.  We know that people are twice as likely to complete the enrollment process if they have help, so this new tool proved to be extremely valuable.

In spite of that success, the work of improving access to care continues. Coalition committees are already focusing on strategies for communications, enrollment help, outreach events and health literacy efforts. The next open enrollment period runs from November 1, 2015 – January 31, 2016. Those 90 days will include Thanksgiving, major religious holidays and New Year celebrations, among other events. The task will be as challenging as ever.

One thing is clear from Cover Arizona’s two years of experience. Large collaborations can bring extensive success to our state. Join the Cover Arizona team. Click here to complete the contact form on the Cover Arizona Coalition’s website. (Use the “How Can We Help?” space to list your organization and request to be part of the team).

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