Arizona Together for Impact Fund: Already Making a Difference

Arizona Together for Impact Fund: Already Making a Difference featured image

Launched in October of 2019, the Arizona Together for Impact Fund (AzTIF) is increasing the strength and capacity of Arizona’s nonprofit sector. It does so by bringing together nonprofits that share demographic, geographic, or strategic similarities – and then creating new ways of collaborating that might range from shared services to larger collaborations, partnerships, and integrations.

As complex as such work might sound, AzTIF has already seen success. The Organization for Nonprofit Executives (ONE) and the Alliance for Arizona Nonprofits started with the recognition that they could “fill each other’s gaps” in community outreach. By January, ONE became an incorporated program of the Alliance, a journey you can read more about here.

Now more than ever, Arizona needs strong nonprofits. AzTIF is a great resource to help. To learn more about accessing AzTIF tools, assistance, and funding, click here.

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