Thinking Out Loud, Talking Online

By now you’ve noticed we’ve added a Facebook sharing feature to Thinking Out Loud. We’ve appreciated readers who have re-posted our work and built in this clickable mechanism not only to make it easier but to encourage others to do the same.

If we’ve learned anything over the past 16 years of SLHI’s existence, it is the importance of networks. We’ve been fortunate to collaborate in the building of networks that range in both purpose and size, and we’d like you to join us on Facebook as we become more active on one of the biggest. Facebook is – at least for the time being – a significant player in how people make and keep connections, and if SLHI has a mantra, it’s “only connect.” Click here to like our page in order to better stay in touch. (In return, we promise we won’t go all Sally Field on you when you do.)

The Thinking Out Loud newsletter will be on vacation for the month of August, but staff will still be (mostly) hard at work. Stay connected to each other, our shared goals and the pulse of health improvement in Arizona, and we’ll see you again in September.

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