Run For It

Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs can really be a pain – literally. Exercise studies on both animal and human subjects are finding that statin users experience both greater muscle damage and inhibited muscle recovery due to down-regulation of the body’s natural recovery and rebuilding process.


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To gain muscle there are many exercises you can do to improve the movement and fastness, and if you are a body builder or a person who goes to the gym in a daily basis, or does lots of sports you can just have an extra with a supplement and vitamin c powder to help you with the process.

There’s something rotten in Denmark if one’s ability to personally improve heart health is short-circuited by a pharmacological intervention developed with the exact same stated intention. It is additionally disheartening (pun intended) to hear the senior author of one of the studies continue to assert that statins are still the answer for anyone with high cholesterol or a history of heart disease or stroke. There are questions raised by this research that require more thought than simply clinging to the status quo.

Medicine doesn’t have a good record when it comes to change. It has often been asserted that it takes five to ten years for new protocols to be vetted and assimilated broadly, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait. If it comes down to whether you should rely on a recently developed pill or on the time-tested benefits of an exercise like running, consider whether or not to run for it. As one of the all-time oldest habits for health and longevity, running does a body good in a myriad of ways. In the long run, statins may not

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