Podcast Out Now: The Housing Continuum in Arizona

Podcast Out Now: The Housing Continuum in Arizona featured image

The Vitalyst Spark podcast is back, this time with a two-part series. Vitalyst was fortunate enough to host four passionate practitioners from the continuum of housing services focused on health and well-being. These folks generously gave their time to speak directly with our Board of Trustees – and we captured it all so that you could learn more about the great work that’s going on in Arizona.

We’ve taken that hour-long meeting and edited it into two parts. Part one starts with emergency shelters, part two ends with home ownership, and our four experts touch on every step in between. In both parts you’ll learn about exciting projects and meet inspiring and passionate people. And like always, it’ll all happen in about the space of your daily commute. Check out The Housing Continuum, Part 1 and Part 2 today.

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