Webinar: Health Impact Assessments Lessons Learned

Webinar: Health Impact Assessments Lessons Learned featured image

Join Vitalyst and the League of Arizona Cities and Towns on November 30 for a League of Arizona Cities and Towns webinar on lessons learned from implementing Health Impact Assessments.

Health Impact Assessments (HIAs) are evolving and important tools for analyzing how policies, programs or community projects may affect health. In the U.S., Arizona has become a leader in this discipline. With 20 HIAs either completed or currently in progress, now is a great time to step back and reflect on what we now know.

HIAs are a bit like Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). While the EIA works to determine environmental effects of a given project, the HIA is designed to anticipate the impact on individual and community health. To date, Arizona HIAs have addressed issues such as affordable housing redevelopment, parks and open space, and transportation options.

The webinar will feature presentations on the basics of HIAs and reflections from Arizona’s practitioners. Join us on Wednesday, November 30th from 10:00 AM-11:30 AM. Register today.

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