Water Lilies

At the conclusion of the Phoenix Open professional golf tournament last week, course managers found their facility all dressed up with 1,200 healthy water lilies but nowhere to go. Word got around about their availability, but no takers emerged. Like, what would you do with 1,200 water-rooted plants in the middle of an urban desert?

The Tiger Mountain Foundation had an answer. It picked up each and every one and promptly began offering free water lilies on Craigslist in exchange for a donation to their mission of building community through community gardens. Days later, two thirds of the original shipment has been picked up, and donations continue to flow in, well, like water.

The Tiger Mountain Foundation – an SLHI community partner – illustrates the power of strength-based community building: making the most of the skills and opportunities before us – and that includes creative thinking – to reach our goals.

Think assets first, not deficits. All sorts of opportunities will emerge.

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