Kids Care Too

KidsCare II is here, offering health care coverage to 22,000 of the more than 100,000 children waitlisted since Arizona’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollment was frozen in 2010.

One simple thing could keep an eligible child from coverage: a lack of up-to-date contact information. Since that’s no reason for a child to go without, we’re urging all of our readers to circulate the attached flyers (in English and Spanish) and the 1-800-377-3536 KidsCare II hotline number.

Does this mean KidsCare is back? You decide. 47,000 children had coverage in 2010, while a total of roughly 34,000 will have it as result of this effort. Keep in mind that KidsCare II was made possible because three hospitals pledged $125 million to secure $220 million in matching federal funds that the state left on the table.

It’s true that something is better than nothing, but state policy-making focused on a future driven by health and opportunities for our children would be even better.

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